yeaaaaa..satu lg post utk hrni.terbukti ak mmg lapang semenjak dua menjak ni.
harini nk cerita pasal frowning(starting yg same utk sume xpandai berkata2.hahak). kenapa ak nk crite psl frowning ni eh?sebabnye mmg ramai cakap ak ni suka frowning smp sume lecturer tegur.
Antara cth2 situasi:
Situasi 1: sewaktu posting orthopedik. Dr yohan tgh demo knee examination.then dia tanye ak don't you think d position of the knee is 90 degrees?ak cm tgh tgk btol2 la 90 degrees ke x.then tbe2 dia ckp stop frowning.ak cm WTH!!
Situasi 2:sewaktu posting primary care. dr maza was explaining something during patient education. then suddenly she asked me "d'you disagree with anything?" i answered " no"."then why are you frowning".i was like huh?did i?
Situasi 3: sewaktu posting respiratory.during presentation sleep apnea dato' aziah suddenly asked me."what's your name?"."i was like huh?me?i'm fizah". then she said " i wonder why you always frowning". i dunno what to answer cuz i dun even realize that. then she added "you should smile.frowning make you aged faster"i was like i know!!but how am i supposed to control my own expression.sebaik dato' aziah tu baik dan klaka.miss her
Sebenarnye byk lg situasi tegoran dr lecturer tp dh lupe make things worse,budak2 medic ni mulala bahan2 ak ckp fizah, stop frowning..kejam betolla dak2 ni.ak bukan saje2 buat cuz ak pn x prasan..geram!!
Berdasarkn kajian ak,berikut adalah sbb2 ak frowning (mengikut skema jawapan):
1. ak sdg berfikir tak kire samada fact yg br diberi, mengingat kembali fact2 yg prnh dibaca.sng crita bile nk menggunakan logik akal ak akn start frowning
2. Ak diasagree dgn certain info yg org ak akn syp unless bile org tanye kt ak rs ak ni low self confidence dan ak tatau nk debate gan org kalo xde bukti yg kukuh esp kalo nk lwn gan dak2 yg communication skills dorg mmg mantop ni.dorg ni kdg2 merepek or pusing2 situ je tp nk jgk tegakkan kebenaran.bilela nk jd mcm dorg ni.sshla kalo nk jd doc cmni.hishhh
3.kalo ak dh rs annoyed sgt xkire waktu.yg ni mmg frowning yg disengajakan.ak ni jenis xsuka nk marah tp kalo once org buat ak rs annoyed hbsla ko cthnye bile org x respect org lain, beratur lama gile kt mcd smp org yg dtg lg lmbt dr ak kt garisan seblah dh dpt order(ye!peristiwa kt mcd pandan mewah!org mcd yg lembab!)xpon ak order mknn kt cafe nk amek pkl ak dtg kol 7.10 pn x siap lg mknn padahal time tu ak puasa (itu mmg buat muka tahap cipan punyala smp dia takut lalu memberi diskaun.hahaha)
4.muscle2 kt kening ak ni(corrugator supercilii muscle)suke beno contract tanpa ak sedari.itula cepat je frowning
Facts about frowning
-A frown (also known as a scowl) is a facial expression used to show displeasure, sadness or disapproval.
-The Corrugator supercilii is a small, narrow, pyramidal muscle, placed at the medial end of the eyebrow, beneath the Frontalis and just above Orbicularis oculi.
It arises from the medial end of the superciliary arch; and its fibers pass upward and lateralward, between the palpebral and orbital portions of the Orbicularis oculi, and are inserted into the deep surface of the skin, above the middle of the orbital arch.
The Corrugator draws the eyebrow downward and medialward, producing the vertical wrinkles of the forehead. It is the “frowning” muscle, and may be regarded as the principal muscle in the expression of suffering. It also contracts in order to prevent high sun glare, pulling the eyebrows toward the bridge of the nose, making a roof over the area above the middle corner of the eye and typical forehead furrows.
Oklah.before i end entry kali ni nk attachkn skali lagu yg akn sentiasa buat ak senyum (xmo frowning2 lg.heee) becuz it means a lot to me
Oklah.before i end entry kali ni nk attachkn skali lagu yg akn sentiasa buat ak senyum (xmo frowning2 lg.heee) becuz it means a lot to me
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