Wednesday, 24 August 2011

feeling good after exam =)

salam semua, rasanya sdh berkurun mgkn berabad jua ak sdh tdk update blog ni dan mgkn sdh berkulat agknye blog ni.bkn takmo tls, tp ak agk bz (pdhal postg psikiatri je).apetah yg ak bzkn pn tatau.hahah.lps hbs cuti raya ni,amekla ko btol2 punye bz sbb msk postg O&G.bersedialah nk rebot2 gan HO tagging tok smbt baby dan kene mrh gan nurse2 tu.ssh jgk nk blaja pekakkan tlinge gan jd zombie ni.hahah

oklah.memandangkn ak mmg tatau nk tls psl ape.meh ak crite2 sikit ape aktvt ak hrni iaitu hari rb (24/8/11).hrni ak  exam video testing utk end posting exam psikiatri.cuak postg ni la kire xm yg plg sng compared to postg2 len.sbbnye postg len ade long case or short case dimana kne assessed by 2 doctors and present directly psl history or physical finding dpn dr.later dorg akn tnye je ape2 yg dorg rs nk tnye.maka bg org2 yg ade panic disorder cm ak ni boleh menyebbkn ak super nervous and eventually boleh mental block...arghh!sume bergantung pd nasib dpt case ape,lecturer mane or soalan ape dia nk tnye.nasibla sume ni.mmg xbole nervous la yg plg pntg skali!oklah itu mgkn len kali bole cite.

utk xm video testg td.tgk video dr. salmi interview primer (meaning org yg di trained to act like a real patient for educational purposes)that patient presented to the methadone clinic and he had known history of heroine dependence.due to his substance dependence + poor social support, he eventually developed major depressive disorder as he fulfilled the criteria especially the suicidal ideation. so after hbs video tu, ade 4 Qs given to us.1) patient's mental status 2)what investigations you want to do in this patient 3)give 2 diagnosis and the criterias fulfilled by this patient 4)how does methadone program can reduce the 'harm'.soalan last tu mmg goreng dan membuat teori sendrila.hahaha.dhla last time grp kitorg x smpt nk g methadone clinic kt sg.buloh pn.hishhh.tatau le camana jdnye.

lps hbs exam tu, blk bilik sebok dok siapkn case writeup dgn tls tgn hokay!nk pts nerve ak ni.ak dh buat softcopy dlu utk case tu.ak buat psl bipolar 1 disorder.pas blk exam je tros tekun ak menyalin( tadela tekon sgt pn cuz smpt b'fb lgkn).tp smp kt management gan discussion ak stuck!salu cmtu!management tu kalo nk ikot buku mmg pjg lebar x bile nk relate gan patient tu yg buat ak pening pale nk pkr.nk2 case psikiatri, bkn nk treat gne ubat je, we need to take psychological and psychosocial treatment into pnt jgk nk grg2.tah papel ak buat agknye.last2 siap kol 5 lebih.pastu packing2 brg then tros blk rmh.smpt buke kt pas buke tros tdo hokay, skt prot gile( it's a woman thingy).bgn2 je, feeling better, mandi blablabla.last2 dok dpn computer ni smbl kesian nengok blog ak ni berkulat2.hahaha.itu sajela crite hrni.hrni nk selitkn satu lg dr anggun.suke lagu ni.enjoy k!

1 comment:

  1. This belog bukan saje dah tumbuh kulat, malah almost reput. hahaha. bile nak hangout ni sista?
