today is friday and apparently i've just woke up from sleep, feeling empty, think nothing but there is huge dissappointment in me.well yesterday night i locked myself in my room, kept on thinking about what had happened during short cases and eventually i cried myself to sleep. haven't done that for a long time.and now i decide to listen to coldplay's song which always help me in these hard times.i know it's just exam and dah buat pon and you have to let it go tp xbole berterusan mcm ni.mcm mana pro nnt???short case ade 4 and what if i couldn't answer all???i know i have to be redha to all this.i know that.Ya Allah kuatkanlah semangat aku.i put all my efforts in my studies.berjaya dlm study is my happiness because it's my parents' happiness.i'm hopeless in other areas in life including love, memasak jelar ak tau buat study utk lps jd this is my only happiness.i don't wanna give up and still trying hard here. Ya Allah please give me strength.bye for now
salam semua,
lama gilerrr rasa xupdate blog ni kan.rasa malas+tatau nk cite ape+bz dgn studies (kononnye) adalah antara sebabnye.kali ni punye entry khas didatangkan dr teluk intan.this is my 2nd visit to teluk last visit was 2 years back in 2009 when i was in year 3 doing rural & urban posting.mase tu mmg heaven gile rase mcm bukan amek medic pulak time tu.bersuka2 pastu happy sane sini.pastu asek melepet je gan bdk2 posting.pegi menara condongla (jakon gile),g mcD (time tu takde wifi lagi tp skg dh ade kire byk kemajuanla), g pangkor and every night ade je plan nk pegi mane padahal takdela byk sgt tmpt melepak cm kl.well, for this time around posting x same pon gan bdk2 rmh so xdela melepet sgt plus posting paediatric kot.takkanla nk melepak2 sgt.byk btolla kemajuan kt teluk intan skg.not so rural anymore.kitorg was posted to paediatric ward at teluk intan hospital and i kinda love this hospital.kes dia xdela sehebat mcm selayang tu but i love the environment here.people are wayyyy nicer and very warm.i love teluk intan people =P.sejak posted sini rasa best pulak masuk ward and doing physical examination kt org lagipun nk end of postng kene mantapkan skill.risaula pulakkn byk tatau lepastu mcm dh bc pon byk lupe2.ya Allah semoga dipermudahkanla perjalanan hidup hambamu ni sebagai medical student.neway, sambung balik.sebenarnye rindu juga rmh tapi xdela rasa homesick mcm zaman2 dlu bile kene hantar kt sbpi sabak bernam tu.campus medic uitm kt teluk intan pon best.internet tip top (sumber kelalaian), good facilities, great location (just next to the hospital) and cantik jugak campus.membantu utk lebih fkus belajar becuz next week exam.nervous jugak ni.common cases i found here are bronchopneumonia, acute gastroenteritis, pertussis,dengue,asthma, thalassemia. not so common cases pulak mcm cerebral palsy with meningocele, demyelinating encephalomyelitis myelopathy (kalau nk tau go google yourself cuz kes2 neuro ni ak slow sikit). oklah.sampai sini saje.sekian
ps:masa buat entry ni ak siap dh tertdo pastu bgn blk sambung tls lg.hahaha.
salam semua.. berdsrkn tjk diatas, mst anda2 bole agak dh ape yg ak nk citekn.mmg boring pn tp buat2 bace jerla dan kpd sp2 yg rajin nk baca, ak nk cerita sikit ak org yg mcm mana dalam realiti kehidupan ni.kpd besties2, dorg mmg paham dan taula ak org yg mcm mn
ak ni org yg bole dikatakn happy-go-lucky.xsuka nk sedih2 or cpt jugak naik angin dan cepat jugak x bermaksud ak seorg yg sensitif sbb ak selalu xamek serius kalau bdk2 ni kutuk2 ke gurau kasar dan itu yg org nampak di luaran
dalaman yg org tak tahu, ak ni cpt down and cpt rs discourage dan seterusnya ak menangis sendirian.dan bile i'm having these hard times, org lain xkan tau kecuali mama selalunya bknlah pendgr yg baik(i dun blame her though.dia lg happy-go-lucky.tamola dia terheret skali dgn kesedehan ak ni) but atleast ak lega sbb ak dpt smpkan ape yg terbuku di hati.selain itu,ak bersyukur sbb Allah selalu bantu ak sbb walau betapa kecewa pn ak, ak xpernah give up.ak cuba bangun dan kuatkan usaha.ak tau sume ujian yg Allah bagi ade hikmahnya dan Allah sayang kite dan tamo kite lupekan Dia.mmg btolla bila org ckp bila kte ssh br cr Allah dan br nk ingat Dia.ak masih berusaha utk menjadi hamba Allah yg lbh baik.InsyaAllah.even rakan2 jarang tau bile ak bersedey sume.dan kdg2 bile ak jz ckp kat msg 'sedeyla', mksd dlm realitinya 'Aku sangat sedih dan menangis dan ak harap ko bagi semangat kat ak supaya ak tabah menghadapi sume ujian ni'
kadang2 org tgk ak macam seorg yg tiada masalah and life happy je manakala diorang la paling stress sbb byk assignmentla, kene presentla, kene buat reportla blabla.ak pon lagi byk kejela tp xperlu nk bgtau or cerita kat semua org.ak every 7 weeks ade end of posting exam dimana exam ak tu scr verbally dpn 2 lecturers yg bole nk tanya ape2 saje.ape2 case je bole dpt.kadang2 syndrome pelik2 dimana sepjg posting xprnh jmp tibe2 ade dalam exam jgn ckpla.within 7 weeks tu kne send 2 case reports and make sure u know those patients well.presentation??jgn least dlm setiap posting (dlm 7 wks tu) ade 2-4 presentation utk seminar or case presentation dimana selalu diattack oleh lecturer jgk.itu belom msk bedside teaching presentation yg at least sorg kena present 3-4x.kalo nk markah byk or nk perform better presentla banyak2. tu belom msk part2 sah2 kena maki,bebel,sindir dgn lecturer sbb tatau jwb.nnt jd HO lg terok.and talk about cuti.ssh gile nk dpt cuti there you go!bkn korg saja stress dlm dunia ni!!dan bkn ak saja yg stress jgk dlm dunia ni.kena redhala jalan yg dipilih dan setiap jalan tu adelah ujiannye.
ak ni jugak bkn seorg yg open up to people unless i really know you well.i don't simply cerita problem2 ak kt org,cite kerisauan ak kt org,i'm just not.and kdg2 ak jgk xphm kenapa org bole menjd supersensitif.mmgla karakter dia mcm masalahnye kadang2 ko nk ckp lps and kenekan org lain bole but then bile org ckp sikit psl ko dh sakit hati.ak mmg tapaham.this is've gotta deal with little2 things.kdg2 kite lupela byk org jauh lg menderita dr mende2 kecik2 cmtu.just move on your life!
dan satu benda org WAJIB tau pasal ak adelah ak paling benci org yg cancel mende last minute( except cancel clsla).SGT BENCI dan sgt pangkah org mcm ni.dr experience ak sendiri, mmg bile org buat cani, ak mmg naik angin gile2.ak ni sgt realistik orgnye.ko bole je cancel bende kalo ko ckp awl2 at least 1 day kalo haritu jugak ko cancel or 30min be4 tu jgk ko cancel....aishhh,jgn cr psl.don't mess around with me when it comes to this kinda thing.tahap skt hati ak ni bole smp berbln2 smp ak xmo ckp pn gan ko.mmg tahap xmo kawanla.that's the kinda person i am.i'm very lenient tp certain things yg ak xsuke mmg ak sgt xsuke.dan br2 ni br sj berlaku dan skrg ak sgt pangkah itu budak.
yayyyy..harini dpt juga update blog.haha.tapi sbnrnye malas nk tls pjg sbb paham2 jerla bile dh strt b'belog ni mula la ak tulis list2 pjg yg tah pape.neway, a bit update about myself, skg ak dh masok final sem dh.tgh posting paediatric yakni postg kanak2 and also neonate yakni baby2 br lahir yg xckp bln tu.doakanla ak dpt lepas exam professional 3 tahun dpn dan dpt menjadi dr pada masanye.huhuhu.i hope everything is gonna be risau jugak sebnrnye exam sem 9 hrtu.ak punye rotation ade psikiatri and o& not so worried about psikiatri tp o&g sgt risau sbnrnye.short cases fibroid case dh ke laut sgt.malas nk cerita yg tu sbb sedeh sgt and kecewa tp the other case gestational diabetes mellitus+postdate+ induction of labour not so bad la.bese2 je.ak mampu doa jerla dpt lulus sume.paper baq pulak sgt ssh tp pbq oklah.i do have to work harder for short cases.listen more carefully to the instruction and questions next time,get the RIGHT finding( there must be findings cuz it's short cases.BEAR THAT IN MIND FIZAH!!!!!) and don't kene redha jerla dgn ape yg berlaku.anyway, skg asik t'igt je satu lg ni sbb tgk trailer cite Kil The Movie.tajuknye 'lagu' by bo.nice voice really and the hair too.hahaha,enjoy this song guys
salam semua.hrni ade entri baru lg.bknkah bgtu lapang hidup sy bukan?hahaha.tgh blurr wat write up hrni nk cerita psl manner sikit.sgt sirius bunyinye ya.
ak dh lama prasan benda ni.tataula mmg budaya, gurauan ke benda ni mmg biasa berlakula.ak sendiri byk kali mengalaminya.antara sintuasi2 yg ak bole recall adalah seperti berikut :
Situasi 1: br tadi kt hospital, masa kt parkg space dpn hostel nurse.ak jalan la nk pg kt kete. lps tu dgr suara dr jauh tgh naik motor "hai, nk gi mana tu?"ak igt dorg ckp gan sape2 tah.lepas tu bile ak dh kt dlm kereta and motor dorg dh dkt gan kete ak, br ak sdr dorg tgh ckp gan ak.tnye lg "nk g mana tu?"ak cm blurr2&tgk je lar tanpa sebrg perasaan.i dun really care if the guy is the outsider meaning someone who's not working in the hospital but this guy is a medical assistant and was acting this way.hmmm.sshla mcm tu kn
Situasi 2: time ni kt wangsa walk.i was with 3 little kids ( not so little).time tu bw dorg tgk movie.lepas tu, beli tiket dlu and later while waiting for the movie kitorg pg la tutti frutti tgh jln2 nk g tutti frutti tu, there was this group of 19 to 20-year-old boys and about 2-3 of them were like "hai, awk". i wasn't looking directly at them and tried to ignore them. ak mcm pelik sbb bukan ak ni mcm bw ank 3 org ke.still dorg bole mcm tu
Situasi 3: ini dekat jj au keramat. i was with my nephew and niece.then sggh beli big apple.everything was going smooth until bile kitorg keluar, there was this guy, ya.. the big apple's employee he was saying something like " i love you, i miss you"not to be perasan or anything but we're the only customer during that time and this guy was waving at me.i know he was joking around and so on.but not in front of the kids and what if these kids were my children, dorg x segan ke kacau2 mak org cmtu.
Situasi 4: this time dkt Sg. Buloh Hospital.i was walking alone to koperasi. then, there were these 2 visitors lalu bertentangan kt sebelah. and u know what, he was saying " hai dr, dh mkn?dr sehat?" then they were giggling. i was looking at them feelingless and as usual ignored these kinda people.tapela ak student org nk kacau mcm kalau dr pn dorg x respect and kacau2 mcm kt mall je.tatau la nk kate ape
Situasi 5 : masa ni kt uitm shah alam. i believed i was in 2nd yr.mcm biasa kitorg tade cuti pjg2 mcm bdk kos time tu mmg bdk mdc jelar tggl dlm campus.quite scary though.neway, i'm on my way back to my college with my fren (couldn't remember who).masa jln kt area klj teratai kot,ade kereta stop and pggl kitorg mcm nk tnye tmpt. since tmpt ni dlm uitm and these guys nmpk mcm student.ak pn pg la.and bile dh gi kt dorg. this dude was asking " nama siapa?"mcm hape je.but i remembered that dude was kinda hot ( sempat lg kn usha)but still perangai cmtu so ak jln jelar mls nk time sume org cuti tu mmgla asek kne kacau gan tah sape2la dlm uitm tu
ape yg ak tapaham skg:
1. kenapa org nk behave cmtu.guess what, i'm not that pretty (kalo cantik xdela ak single dr dlu) but still org nk xde keje nk kacau2 cmtu.Besides, i'm a bit too old to be kacau-ed.zmn2 dak sek or asasi bolela.Most of the ppl around me ckp ak ske buat muke anxious gan xpuas ati. adkh itu yg mendorong org utk mengacau ak?musykil
2. kenapa kt hosp pn org2 ni ade mase nk mengamalkn aktiviti's not shopping mall or pasar
3. kenapa even ak dh nmpk mcm kakak ke mak2 bdk gan bw anak sume dorg still nk gatal2 least kalo ade bdk tak pyhla behave cmtu.bad influence
anyway, xphm knp org behave mcm tu.very uncomfortable.but usually nk handle org cmni just ignore and leave them.they thought they were joking around so let them be. dh mcm budaya apetah rsnye mcm tu esp yg sah2 bdn kecik2 tp ade hati la kan nk kacau kakak2 mcm ak ni.kelaka la renung2kanla buat org yg mempunyai perangai serupa.sekian
salam..ak sgtla boring ye skg maka sdg cuba membuang masa dgn mengupdate blog yg x berapa nk meriah mcm blog org len ni.disini ak cuba menyalurkn (ecehhh) betapa risaunye ak sbb byk gile mende tatau psl o&g.last time ade postg ni ms 3rd yr.dlu ckp psl gestational diabetes mellitus, pregnancy induced hypertension, premature rupture of membrane, PPROM, multiple gestation, ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage and so on sume cite mcm air je.skg cm blurr. i know i'm in d 2nd wk of posting but still am i demented or something??aaaa!!!mintak smpg dijauhkn.ditambh pulak mood nk m'bc ni tade dsbbkn mood raya ade lg(pdhal bknnye pg beraya sgt).skg ni tgh bc cervical neoplasia pn xhbs2 lg.pastu ak ni dh 5th yr pn still cm mls2.ade ward work g tdo.dhla tade study grp and xtgk kes2 len kad wad len for preparation for pro exam!eeeeiii!!bahaya btol!!wake up fizah!!!fokus!!
neway, hrtu hr sabtu parents ak buat open hse.maap le sape2 yg x dijmpt tu.buat sdrhana bdk cls ak xrmi pulak dtg.geram!but then again there must be a reason why they did not turn up kn. rmi jgk yg dtg.kwn ayan, sedara and the unexpected guest(tadela unexpected sgt sbb dia ckp mmg dia nk dtg pn.hahah) gle weekend hrtu smp xstadi pape write up x siap lg kne submit by thursday.sebaik kes placenta praevia (mcm hebat gle).pstu isnin hrtu bile bedside teaching still blurr2 bile dr tnye.dorg2 ble je jwb.sedey btol.nmpk sgt byk bnda ak dh lupe dan xstadi lg.kene lbh rajin ni Fizah!
oklah.mane bole nk cite pjg sgt kerja x hbs lg ni dan menampakkan kelapangan ak.lg satu ak tgk2 jgk sp visitor kt blog ak ni.plek2 je dr bristol??hahaha.sah2 resepi muffin agknye.pastu dr tronoh, puchong and kjg.yg klakanya br ak tau kajang tu t'ltk kt negeri sembilan.wahahah.!sekian saja
today my post will be really short and sweet (thank God). jz want you guys to listen to this song. couldn't get off my mind.i 1st heard when i was watching hana tajima tutorial of wearing hijab.but then this song was in the background.i would say she had good taste in music heee. =)
salam semua, rasanya sdh berkurun mgkn berabad jua ak sdh tdk update blog ni dan mgkn sdh berkulat agknye blog ni.bkn takmo tls, tp ak agk bz (pdhal postg psikiatri je).apetah yg ak bzkn pn tatau.hahah.lps hbs cuti raya ni,amekla ko btol2 punye bz sbb msk postg O&G.bersedialah nk rebot2 gan HO tagging tok smbt baby dan kene mrh gan nurse2 tu.ssh jgk nk blaja pekakkan tlinge gan jd zombie ni.hahah
oklah.memandangkn ak mmg tatau nk tls psl ape.meh ak crite2 sikit ape aktvt ak hrni iaitu hari rb (24/8/11).hrni ak exam video testing utk end posting exam psikiatri.cuak postg ni la kire xm yg plg sng compared to postg2 len.sbbnye postg len ade long case or short case dimana kne assessed by 2 doctors and present directly psl history or physical finding dpn dr.later dorg akn tnye je ape2 yg dorg rs nk tnye.maka bg org2 yg ade panic disorder cm ak ni boleh menyebbkn ak super nervous and eventually boleh mental block...arghh!sume bergantung pd nasib dpt case ape,lecturer mane or soalan ape dia nk tnye.nasibla sume ni.mmg xbole nervous la yg plg pntg skali!oklah itu mgkn len kali bole cite.
utk xm video testg td.tgk video dr. salmi interview primer (meaning org yg di trained to act like a real patient for educational purposes)that patient presented to the methadone clinic and he had known history of heroine dependence.due to his substance dependence + poor social support, he eventually developed major depressive disorder as he fulfilled the criteria especially the suicidal ideation. so after hbs video tu, ade 4 Qs given to us.1) patient's mental status 2)what investigations you want to do in this patient 3)give 2 diagnosis and the criterias fulfilled by this patient 4)how does methadone program can reduce the 'harm'.soalan last tu mmg goreng dan membuat teori sendrila.hahaha.dhla last time grp kitorg x smpt nk g methadone clinic kt sg.buloh pn.hishhh.tatau le camana jdnye.
lps hbs exam tu, blk bilik sebok dok siapkn case writeup dgn tls tgn hokay!nk pts nerve ak ni.ak dh buat softcopy dlu utk case tu.ak buat psl bipolar 1 disorder.pas blk exam je tros tekun ak menyalin( tadela tekon sgt pn cuz smpt b'fb lgkn).tp smp kt management gan discussion ak stuck!salu cmtu!management tu kalo nk ikot buku mmg pjg lebar x bile nk relate gan patient tu yg buat ak pening pale nk pkr.nk2 case psikiatri, bkn nk treat gne ubat je, we need to take psychological and psychosocial treatment into pnt jgk nk grg2.tah papel ak buat agknye.last2 siap kol 5 lebih.pastu packing2 brg then tros blk rmh.smpt buke kt pas buke tros tdo hokay, skt prot gile( it's a woman thingy).bgn2 je, feeling better, mandi blablabla.last2 dok dpn computer ni smbl kesian nengok blog ak ni berkulat2.hahaha.itu sajela crite hrni.hrni nk selitkn satu lg dr anggun.suke lagu ni.enjoy k!
adoi2..tajuk yg klaka sbb kalo kwn2 ak yg bc ni mesti dorg gelak sambil mengutuk2 ak sambil menafikan penyataan bhw ak sememangnya pemalu orgnya.bile waktunye ak jd seorang pemalu.spt biasa ak suka bg senarai (bersediala melihat entry yg pjg lebor lg)
1. ak sgt pemalu terhadap stranger.ak takkan tegur seseorang smp org tu tegur ak dulu xcept patient la kan.ak mmg jenis mcm ni.dudukla berjam2 seblh org tu, kalo dorg tak tego, ak pn ak buat bodo once org start tego, ak jd org yg sgt friendly terhdp mrk.ak boleh strt borak psl apa2 pn smp xde pause lnsg sbb ak sgt xske awkward situation. tp selalunya mende cmni berlaku bile dgn girls la sbb frankly speaking kdg2 ssh nk msk sket gan dorg.kdg2 dorg jns lemah lembut, oversensitive etc etc.lg pn dorg pn hrp kte tego dan sah2 ak bkn jns mcm tu tp x semuala mcm tu.guys sng sikit nk msk sbb firstly, dorg ni mmg jns x malula men tego je sp2 tp ade jugak yg kaki2 penyegan (jgn hrp ah ak plak nk tego dorg).pastu dorg jns selamba dan layan je cite2 merepek (yg ni ak suka sbb ak sememangnya spesies merepek jgk).plg best kalo strt gado2 gan dorg.mmg klaka ak rs awkward sikit dgn guys yg strt tego and bhs kan dr mrk" i u" ke "sy awk.".itu mmg klaka sbb bole tau mrk jns org yg proper sikit xpn mmg lyn jerla kan
2. ak jua sgt pemalu terhadap guru2 or lecturer2 ( yg ni jgn ikot ye.krn sgtla tdk baek utk pembelajaran anda). ak tau mende ni x elok or x bgs utk dr dan mgkn jua kesihatan tp ak ttp rs malu.ak mmg x reti nk ngendeng gan golongan2 ini.smp nk tego bg salam pn sgt segan ye.ak psti mrk pn xkn igt muka ak. kdg2 dorg tnye soalan kt kls, walaupn ak tau ke ak pnh bc ke, ak mmg takkan jawab unless mmg dia srh ak or dia tnye sorg2.ak tatau knp ak jns mcm ni.ak rs sbb ak ni mgkn lack of confidence or ade penyakit pscychology spt OCD(obsessive compulsive disorder) ak rs semua org mst ade sedikit OCD dlm dr termskla ak.oke lupekan.dh lari tajok.hah.gitula citenye.ak mmg pemalu tak bertempat ye.igt lg jmp lecturer, pnyela sgn nk tego dorg last2 dorg yg bg salam hokay!segannye ak!xbole cmni.nnt x phm pn segan nk sbnrnye ak segan kalo dpn student2 lain je.kalo dpt jmp lecturer lps tu utk tnye soalan, ak ok mslhnye rajin pulak kn ak nk call2 lecturer nk g jmp dorg!last2 cr answer sendr xpn tnye bile still xpuas ati gan jwpn dorg ak tros ak perasan bile ak faham btol2 smp ke akar umbi knp mende tu jd cmtu, ak mmg igt lama.kalo takat2 tau reason cmtu2 mmg kejap je le igtnye.masalahkn amek medic cmni. dh tau memori takat2 cmtu still nk amek mdc gak.
3. hah.yg ni part plg best.ak perasan sgt ak skg selalu cite kaitan cinta-cintun ni sejak dua menjak ni.tah menggatal ke hape ak lantakla kan ni blog ak kan.hahak.ak rs pemalu antara salah satu sebab ak ni smp skg single.bkn saja xpnh ade bf, skandal ke hape2 sume tade (ye.silela mengasihani sy). ak ni sebnrnye sgt kuat mengusya.kuat sgt! (haha.jujur gile).tp org xkn sdr ak usha dorg (mane ble kasi dorg perasan or rs bangga or hensem plak).tp mcm tula.disbbkn ak ni pemalu xkn kemanala ushaan ak tu.ak ni nmpk je mcm ni, tp ak mmg x mengamalkan perigi cr timba!mmg xnk!ak msh percaya lelaki yg kene mulakan sume.ak ni mmg wanita tradisional.hahak.xknla kan ak pulak nk g"hi,bole berkenalan?".huduh sggh bunyinye.even kalo ak lelaki ak akn rs turn off . even ak suka sgt org tu ke ape, ak xkn msg org tu dlu smpla org tu msg dlu.lg ak suke org tu lgla pemalu gile ak jdnye (ini rahsia ye.tiada sp yg tau selama ni.hahaha) selain itu jua, ak ni mmg jns tapaham lelaki tu nk ngorat ke ape smp dorg sendiri bgtau dorg nk ngorat ke ape.ssb tu rmi kate ak blurr.papela.yg pasti ak ni pemalu dan sume org hrs tau itu.hahaha
4.dlu ak malu sgt nk approach patient.jd medical student mana bole cmtu.kene buat muka x malu utk blaja.skang pn still segan esp yg jns muka garang2 memandangkn mmg terpaksa, mandai2la blaja buat muka xreti malu salu membe ak jd mangsa utk disuruh approach patient.haha.xbolela nk segan selalu.bknnye nk tanye history je, nk examine bdn dorg sume,kenela blaja build rapport sebaik2nya.bayangkan camana ak nk check testes+penis dorg kalo ak pn menggelabah mslh ak skg ak x segan lansong nk check2 mende tu sume(bkn mksdnye ak suka check part2 tu ok!), nk approach je segan.problem btol
5.spt dean ak, dia nk sume 5 ans bile tanye soalan.5 causes of pneumothorax, 5 causes of cardiomegaly etc2.ak pn nk ckpkn 5 gak.ak ni pemalu gan org2 yg ak rapat time kecik then bile dh besar mmg sume x tegur sapa ape sume.cthnye cuzin ak sendiri.ak kecik2 rasa agk close kot gan dorg.lps tu berthn2 x jmp smp dh bsr br jmp and sgt segan nk borak gan dorg and tatau nk borak psl ape total stranger.ak rs ak sorg je kot mmg x close dan xknl cuzin sendri.bile tgk org len sume superslose gan cuzin.lg close gan cuzin dr member sendiri tahla mmg dh mcm tu.lg satu even childhood friend ak iaitu jiran2 ak sendri.segan jugak gan dorang.pdhal dorg friendly je.ntahla.tah papela ak ni kan.dorg pn sume dh kawin2 and ak pn dok hostel and salu blk pn tros msk rmh.manede terserempak sgt gan dorg.
oke bye.nk siapkn projek ppd ni.cuti2 pn kene buat.komplen byk pn x gunekan.
salam... lama btol ya blog ini ditgglkn.salahkn exam,salahkan seminar, case presentation and write ups yg bertubi2. semua tu duniawi semata..aaaaaaaaa!!!tp xpe skg tgh cuti.maka cuba utk berehat buat sementara waktu (ecehh.padahal br je lps shoppg).byk benda yg ak rs dh berubah kt dr ak sjk nk msk 5th year (ini cerita sirius).antaranya:
1. ak dh xberapa suka tgk tv.dh xikot dan xtau pn sebrg drama.kdg2 tgk iklan drama pn cm x mnrk.dhla cite plek2 je.apatah lg nk tgk sume sebok nk tgk transformer.ak x terasa nk tgk pn.sng cerita mcm harry potter tu la.dlu ak sgt obses ye dgn HP dan daniel radcliffe (zaman2 jahiliah), tp skg dh tatau pn ape dh berlaku kt harry tu.tah idop ke sah2 idopla.hero la katekn.sifat xske tgk tv ini sgt bertentangan dgn dr ak yg sbnr dimana selama ini hidup x bererti tanpa tv.mane taknye.dr zmn drjh 1 hgga ke form5 sek dpn rmh.blk je dh tau ape program setiap hr.mmg leka btol hdp.sbb tu spm xdpt score 10as redha jerla.crite lame sume tu.usah diungkit.hahak
2. ak makin xsuka nak amek tau mende2 remeh cthnye gsp (tp gsp arts ye.kalo gsp membe2 tu kalo diberi haruslah dgr jgk).dlu ak suka hr ahad sbb bile bc metro ahad,bi-pop gan pancaindera sume, penoh dgn gsp.ak pula sgtla rajin bc satu2 pemendela berlaku kt artis ni kn.part2 yg crite mcm kne pkr sendr sp arts tu pn ak semgt bc.punyalah bersemangat nk bc psl arts ni.mengarot btol bile pkr skg ni ak bkn men mrh kalo paper ltk story bkn2 kt frontpage.cpt je menyirap smbl mengutuk paper2 ni xde keje len ke nk crite psl bomoh tu bomoh ni ,artis tu artis ni.kdg2 yg plg marahnye bile mama call kt klj dan mende yg dia crite adlh psl fasha sanda gan jejai.itu mmg angin jgkla tp sebaikla mama.xknla ak nk mengamok2 pulakkn.dengo sesuai sgtla dua org tu.sorg parents kaya and sek kjr arts mcm xde keje len and yg sorg lg xhbs2 nk kontroversi.
3.ak semakin serius dlm bdg perubatan ni.selama ni ak x serius ke?hmm..ssh nk ckp.selama ni mmg rasa ikot arus je.minat tu mkn bercambah(wow.skemanya ayt) tp itu je xckp.pastu bile dh hbs 4th year ni, rs BYKKKKKK sgt tatau.terpkr jugak, ak nk msk 5th year ak nk tros jd mcm ni ke.ak kene sdr sethn je tggl( less than a year to be exact)seblom jd dr.kalo ak x berubah,ak akn jd dr yg x bertanggungjawab dan mmg berdosala kalo ak xtreat patient dgn btol.seblom ni mst gelak2 smbl mengutuk mrk skema kalo ckp bile mkn dkt tu the feeling is different.mmg rs sdr tu ade tp xtau nk describe mcm mn.syukur jgk ade prasaan mcm tu kn.
4. ak rasa semakin matang.xtaula ini ke yg dikatakn matang xpn ak perasan je itu yg ak rs.sebelom ni ade je ak bg no or reply msg org yg br knl (tp xdela bg no kt sume hape je.lgpn strangers do freak me out).tp skg ak rs mcm sgt membuang masa melayan msg2 dr stranger.dh strt rs fed up dan xkemana.ak rs keutamaan ak skg adlh menunaikn tanggungjwb terhdp parents ak.jd dr dlu.itu plg pntg,sejujurnya mmgla ak risau xde bf dgn xpnh bercintanye.mmg ptt ak risau sbb dh ak redha dgn ketentuan Allah.mgkn ade hikmah dgn semua ni.setiap yg berlaku ade hikmahnye kn.fb pulak br activate rs len.x mcm dlu dimana bile buat shoutout je hrp2 ade org comment ke skg ak buat shoutout sbb itu yg ak rs.dan ak tbe2 terasa pelik knp dorg ni nk like2.ak tatau knp ak rs itulah yg ak rs (ayat standard).ak terpkr knp mende mcm tu pn dorg nk tapela.hahaha.kt fb pn ak dh start delete sume org yg ak xknl dan yg ak rs nk delete.hehehe.trokkn.ak juga xsuka btol kalo org msg kt fb nk tnye mende mrepek.ak mmg xske dan sgt mls nk layan.maka konklusinya skg ak lg suka twitter.lg2 sjk follow islamic thinking.ak obviously bukanla org yg alim ke sume bile bc tweet dia gan kt tumblr dia,mmg sgt memberi inspirasi and it changed me a lot.ak selama ni pn adlh seorg yg x bersopan skg ak cuba nk bg kata2 yg baik even dgn org yg ak close esp my bff (mgknla org len still rs ak ni xpela)
5. satu perubhn yg xdela ketara tp perubhn jgkla.ak mkn suka mendalami mksd lirik music.i mean bukanla lagu korea ye!(malas nk kutuk k-pop lebey2) tp lg2 yg meaningful la mcm dr adele,coldplay sume.ak percaya kdg2 lg tu mmg sesuai dgn current situation.cthnye lazy song tu kan.mmg ak yg lazy hbs ni manjang la dgr lagu's fun dgn tgk berok2 tu pnye gaya.kelaka
6. ak semakin mampu nk tahan kemarahan ak tp kalo provoke byk sgt eventually meletup mmg ak xsuka nk mrh.kalo ak marah ak jz ckp 'kelakar la ko' xpn 'hokay'.yg plg best ak jujur ckp 'ak tgh thn marah ni'.itu selalunya ekspresi ak.ak mmg ssh nk mrh unless mende tu sgt irritating.maka kalo nmpk ak mrh tu mmg mksdnye ko sgt annoying.hahaha
haaa..sekian le cerita saya yg pjg lebar prasan setiap kali buat entry mst pjg lebar.maaf la ye.mmg saya ni byk sgt mende tersimpan la kot sbnrnya.
dah lame dah sebnanye ak nk buat entry psl ni tapi tak kesampain disbbkn terlalu bz ditambah pula dgn kemalasan utk menaip serta berkata2 spt ini.ya, spt ini! tapi nk buat gak sbb umo pn semakin meningkat iaitu 23 ( dimana sume org start panggil ak kakak walaupn kdg2 ak rs jauh lg muda dr mrk), maka ada kesedaran disitu.lagipun next year InsyaAllah dpt jd doctor, dah dapat duit sendiri sume, bolela buat ape yg ak impi2kan (bajet gaji doktor berjuta, padahal berapa hinggit je).Tapi plan ak ini akan cuba ak tunaikan selepas dh dpt kerja.
1. Mesti ade 10-15K dlm akaun utk bajet kahwin(ckp ke tak ntah kahwin duit byk ni je). sggh pn kedengaran sgt gatal mau kahwin walaupn xde calon, tapi ak sgt realistik orgnye.nak taknak mmg kena pkr jgk psl ni unless kalo org tu mmg tamo kahwin.lgpn ak tamola kahwin gne duit parents(takkanla sendri nk kahwin tapi gune duit org).sebnrnye ak dh plan atleast ade 10K by the time ak grad.tapi setakat ni lom smp pn 10K.mane le nk smp kalo kjp2 withdraw duit nk shoppg sana sini dgn selera makan ak yg hebat2 ak rs mcm bole je capai target ni bile tamat 5th yr nnt.skg 2 sem je tggl.kire tolak duit yuran,kolej,buku bole kot dpt (murah je pn uitm punye fee.buku pulak gune blk textbook 3rd,4th yr).masalahnye kalo ak nk wedding hebat2 xde manenye ckp takat 10-15K takpe akn dipikir2kn apabila tiba masenye.hahaha.tapi takdela pulak ak nk kahwin mcm anak NAZA tu(hapetah nama dia). mengarut sgt wedding hebat2 cmtu.buat perabis duit je.
mampu ke nk buat wedding cmni dgn bajet 10-15K.harapan sggh
2. Nk travel around the world.i remember one quote saying “The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page."somehow i agreed with this quote even though i can't even remember which dude has mentioned this. We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure, why don't we take chances to explore, dream and discover our beautiful world (oke.dh merepek.takpe.yg pntg u've got what i mean).yg ni mmg impian dr kecik.lg2 ak bkn dr family yg senang2 yg mampu g oversea,nek flight ke sana sini.mmg salu je jeles tgk itu yg bg ak inspirasi kot nk usaha lebih utk dpt ape ak nk(oke.dh start skema.lupekn)bile dh keje nanti,ak tak kisah pn time ni ak travel gan kawan ke sorg2 ke.yg pntg mmg nk pg.lgpn ak jenis mls nk tunggu2 org.xsuke nk depend kt org sgt nnt last2 minute xjadi ak dh srh membe ak start collect duit after keje sbb around 2013 ak nk pg dh(ceh..yakin gile.takpe.keyakinan itu penting.hahak). mula2 ak plan nk psg satu europe dlu, pastu g egypt (teringin nk g tgk pyramid ) then br tak ksh nk g psg mana pn usa ke.yg pntg luar asia last2 br nk pg.hah...berapa ribu la tu agaknye sume.malas ak nk kire
Gosh!how i miss beaches so bad!!
3. Nk beli kereta idaman.kalau bapak ak tau part yg ni mesti dia suke gle (FYI, family ak sume gile kete.xmkn pn tape janji kete hebat!hahak)tapi viva hijau ak simpan jgk la.lame berkhidmat gan ak.frankly speaking, ak ni tadela suka sgt drive sbb ak cpt sakit hati pastu maki2 org dlm kete.sbb tu pg2 g cls mmg tmpg org je dgn ngantoknye xckp tdo gan stressnye jam pg2.wohhhh!tension!tp cube srh drve nk g berske ria or shopping, cepat je langkah.hahaha.neway, back to the topic, ak nk bli kete volkswagen beetle xksh kale ape pn(YES!!you heard me!).hrtu br tnye price kt ayh ak dia kate 200K.weeeee.speechless ak.dhla 2 pintu ssh nnt dh branak pinak.takpon bli mini-cooper or rav mak ak ckp ak xreti jaga kete cantik2.membazir je(ske2 je kan xkire gak)
nk yg ni bole x??plz2!!
atau yg ni
or ini
oke jugak.
4. Nk beli rumah.yg ni kalo mampula.ak nk bli rmh teres 2 tgkt dkt area damansara.(haha.ngade2.mcm byk pulak terrace house kt ctu)yg pntg design rmh tu mst moden dan ade compound sendiri.ak x suke betol rmh apartment dimana ibarat terkurung dalam rmh.ak nk rmh yg parking space mmg utk ak dan xperlu nek lif sume utk smp rmh bile pulak ak nk dok rmh tu eh?takpela.akan dipikirkn.hahak
nk mcm ni!!
mcm ni pn ok jugaklaa
5. Nk shopping.yg ni mcm tipu je sbb ltk last kali.hahaha.walaupn skg pn dh kuat shopping, tp xpernah brani nk msk kedai mahal mcm coach,DKNY,Gucci etc.kalo msk pn mst org tu tgk2 pkir minah ni mana mampu plak nk bli brg2 pas ade duit ak nk msk je kdi2 ni(tp xdela selalu.bankrupt la ak cmni) pastu bli2 brg dr coach sume.ak bkn jns pki branded2 kepingin nk sesekali pki mahal kan.kalo kdi yg branded2 ni pegang t-shirt yg mcm xsiap jahit pn 400.ak tataula apsal mahal gile.mgkn kain dorg gune tu dorg dpt dr gunung ke benua mane tah
I Am - fizah, who doesn't know how to describe herself but she does have big dreams (skema btol ayt) I Want - to be happy and achieve my goals in life (skema lg) I Have - tons of works yet i still do this freaking survey I Wish - i was working right now because i need money and am tired of studying I Hate - offence semut2. they're like everywhere and it's so annoying I Fear - Allah I Hear - gossips all the time (from gossip boy,bon)--too much credits for bon pulak dlm blog ni I Search - for a happiness and a wait!bf dulu br btol.hahak I Wonder - why people can be so disrespectful and stubborn at times. you're not always right ya know I Regret - that i'm shy during my high school years and till now (seriously!) I Love - my family, my friends and my future husband and also my future in- laws.hahaha I Ache - seeing my seniors have become doctors.i envy them I Always - maintain the same weight no matter how much i ate or diet (tipu sgt part diet ni) I Usually - isolate myself whenever i feel depressed I Am Not - a girly girl who loves pink I Dance - to the good beat I Sing - out loud my fav song (bajet penyanyi hebat kn) I Never - been in a relationship (1st thing that pop into my mind!) I Rarely - show my real feelings to guys that i'm into them (i've got a long list of names.haha.gatal) I Cry - alone.hate people seeing me cry I Am Not Always - frowning!!i do smile but definitely not to perfect strangers.strangers freak me out I Lose - my temper whenever people irritate or disrespect me I'm Confused - with reaction of certain people. their mood is not congruent with their affect..weird I Need - a change.tamo laazayyy..nk rajin! I Should - have finished my psychiatric write up and seminars by now I Dream - a lot!!i'm a day-dreamer .it's normal for an aries!
ps: i really dunno the function of line canila,underlinela dsbgnye. sy men tibai je macam yg sdg saya lakukan skg.HAHAHA
kejap betul dh nk hr isnin blk.rasa kejap sgt weekend!kejamnye!!terasa sangatla malas (penah ke ak rs rajin?)xpe2 fizah.belajar rajin2.exam sem8 pn nk dekat.silelah rajin kn dr.oh yea.nk cite. senior2 ak yg year 5 bakal konvo x lame lagi.tahniahla buat mereka. tidak sia2 segala usaha dan penah lelah mereka 5 thn ni.Lg2 time before exam pro3 ni mcm nk jd org gile dh tgk dorg.xpe dh dpt jd dr dh akhirnye (jeles sebenarnye). semoga dorg jd dr yang baik dan treat patient dengan a hollistic dr.lepas tu, dgr cite 13 org failed kene extend 6 bln lg.xdpt bygkan perasaan diorg. ak tau dorg sume usaha bersggh2 tp cuma nasib tdk menyebelahi mrk. semoga menjadi iktibar kpd ak supaya lebih tekun berusaha bkn hanya dgn membaca tp juga rajin jumpa patient and pg wad. semoga perjalanan ak mendapat degree ni berjalan dgn lancar dan ak dpt grad pd waktu yg sepatutnye. InsyaAllah. Lagi satu nk cite jugak.kerajaan dh bekukan pengambilan pelajar dlm bidang perubatan selama 5 thn dlm usaha menjaga kualiti dan bilangan dr yg!sgt kasihan jua dgn bdk2 yg mmg dr kecik ke dr baby nk jd dr sgt.ak tataula nk ckp setuju ke x tp sepatutnye dorg dr awl kene limitkn bilangan ipts yg ada kos mdc ni.tapahamla jugak kdg2 dgn tindakan dorg ni.tapela.kos lain banyak lagi.xkn sume nk jd dr.sape nk jd pesakitnye nnt.lagipun mdc ni xbest sbnrnye tension memanjang(pengalaman 4 thn belajar) dan xkaye pn jd dr ni.dengki betol dgn bdk kos len sebenarynye bykla yg lepak2 jugak berbanding ak ni dan yg pntg dorg jugak byk cuti ye.adoi2 (ni perasaan normal bdk thn 4 pelajar perubatan menurut neurosurgeon, dr andrian).nk attach lagu fav and comel yg mmg sesuai gan jiwa ak yg sdg mls skg!heeeeeee
happy mother's day to my bestest friend in d world, my mom and my everything Mrs. Maznah Binti Harun. i know it's a bit too late for the wish because it's already 7th May 2011 but ya know... better late than never. Besides, i have tons of works with psychiatry thingy.i have to finish off my works before writing another entry.i don't think my mom will be reading this though (she has no freaking idea that her daughter has been blogging for the past few month). Anyhow, i just wanna wish happy mother's day to my mom and to all wonderful mom out there. i love you so much one understands me better than you do, you help me through thick and thin and you always believe in me whenever i start to doubt myself and you always there whenever i need a shoulder to cry on. i know that i'm lazy and annoying at times and i always thought to myself " i don't deserve a mom like this" but yet Allah present me with such mom.i'm so lucky and thank you Allah for the gift. i haven't bought anything for you mama but i promise that InsyaAllah one day i'll fulfill your dream by getting a degree in MBBS. You're the best mom i've ever had and i love you so so much
harini hr isnin dan besok bermula kembali cls.only 1 posting left iaitu short posting ( psychology,forensic, opthalmology, ENT) before msk 5th yr. semakin nk bermula postg br ni ak semakin takut.takut tak mampu nk cope with everything dan sejujurnya sepanjang cuti ni ak sentiasa sedih dan inilah cuti pertama yg buat ak sedih.sepatutnya happyla kan.lgpn budak medic jarang dpt cuti.ak bknlah seorg yg suka nk cerita or tunjuk org bile ak sedih or apa sebenarnya ak rasa. bkn nk kata xsuka tunjuk kelemahan diri tp i don't really open up to people.i just don't. but i do cry in front of my mom whenever i hv a difficult time but i don't do that kinda stuff is such a happy-go-lucky kinda person and honestly she's not a good-listener apatah lg nk pujuk2 lg dia x reti.but i don't blame her.she's the best mom i ever had and you could possibly ask for.maka sekarang ni, kalo ak sedih ak cerita kat sape utk krgkn rs sedih tu?ak pn xde jawapannya.i have lotsa friends but whenever i'm sad i'm always a loner. bkn bermaksud kawan ak sume lari kalau ak sedih or cr ak bile tgh2 happy2 je.bukan mcm tu.diorg sendiri pn xpernah tau ak sedih.kalau tau pn indera.itu pn ak hanya bgtau ak sedey sgt.bile ak msg mcm tu mksdnye ak mmg sgt2 sedey.kesedihan tu hanya Allah yang tau. tp depan org ak xreti nk tnjk kesedihan tu.i jz fake a smile.housemate ak pn tau bila ak sedey dan dorg mmg tanye "fizah, are u ok?".dan ak jwb "i'm fine, seriously".ain pulak selalu tanye " kitty, awk ok ke?ceritala kt kte" then i'll answer "kte okla aheng.xde crite ape2 pn".that's how it it's great to hv such frens.but i think i'm not ready to let it all out.what did i do then?i've just realized whenever i'm sad or depressed, i'll drive my car and head to any shopping mall then cr berge bsr2 and makan sorg2.lepas tu pusing2 satu mall smp rs xnk pusing dh
Kenapa cuti ni buat ak sedih dan stress sgt?
sebab utamanya ak buat clinical exam medicine dgn sgt terok smp tatau nk ckp teruknya.that's how i feel.ak taknakla cerita betapa truknye.cukupla ak ckp sgt teruk.walaupn clinical exam 30%, tapi sgt affect samaada ak akn lulus posting medicine ke x.i'm pretty sure i failed clinical xm.ak tak tau nk cakap camana lg.tulis psl ni pn dh ckp nk buat ak sedih.dan tau x knp ak sedih sgt20x?because this is my future, i've been working so hard for this.i'm not smart and i don't hv good memories like some of my frens (how i wish i had good memories) but i do work so hard because this is my future and responsibility as a daughter.exam haritu hr khamis dgn dr chandra.lps hbs xm je ak tatau nk buat ape.ak hilang arah, bercampor aduk perasaan sedih,kecewa,bodoh20x dan tatau lg.ape ak buat?ak amek beg ak dlu igt nk terus blk tp kawan yg ak tmpg kereta belom hbs xm.ak pergi kawasan tangga tgkt atas skali berhrp situ xde org.ak duduk situ walaupn kuat bau rokok situ.mmg org selalu merokok area2 cmni.ak duduk lepas tu sdr2 ak nanges walaupn ak cuba tahan.ak x sggp nk tnjk muka kt luar.lps 10 min mcm tu ak tenangkn dr istighfar byk2.lepas tu ak kluar dr tmpt tu, cr cab kt hosp selyg then terus blk klj.kt klj pack brg sikit2 then terus blk sepjg perjalanan tu hanya Allah je tau perasaan sedeynye mcm mn.masa tu ak tau ak x ready nk blk rmh lg.ak cuba pikir ape yg boleh krgkn kesedihan ak.terpikir starbucks.pastu tros sggh jj keramat.smp je ctu terus cr caramel fruppacino.then nampak big apple pula( xrasa nk makan pn .tapi nk beli jugak).lps tu pusing2 tatau nk cr ape pn.pusingla smp sejam.then blk rmh
smp rmh, mama tnye "how's exam?".and i told mom "it was really20x bad and i'm so sorry mom".i couldn't cry in front of her.then terus msk blk.mmg melayan perasaan jerla dlm blk.xde mood lansung. 2-3 hr ak mcm tu dlm blk.nk study pn tade mood msg pn xde mood nk reply.then, hr sabtu tu ak belila magazine cleo ke hape sume magazine ak beli.tgk fashion2.dr situla sibuk ajk mama shopping kt telawi street. pastu sepjg cuti ni asek shoppg je utk krgkn rs sedey.mmg krg tp lps tu sedey tu dtg blk.this thing does affect my life in every ways.
mcm tula berterusan cuti ak tanpa preparation utk xm sem8 iaitu lg 2 bln lps hbs cuti ni.dhla postg berat2. Ak harap lps hbs cuti ni ak lebih fokus.ak tau ak harus redha dgn ketentuan Allah dan ak tau setiap yg berlaku ade hikmah disebaliknya.kadang2 ak pernah terpikir, ak ni bile sedih mesti pasal pelajaran dan ak tak pernah ade peluang pon nk sedih2 mcm org lain sbb kan boyfriend sume tu.ak jugak terpikir,layak ke ak nk amek medic sebnanye??ak ni mmg memories x sehebat bdk2 mdc lain.masa sekolah pon suka m3 gan add math je.dr dlu rmi lecturer tanye "why d'you wannabe a doc?" dan jwpn standard ak mst "i jz go with the flow".ak jugak selalu doa kt Allah, kalau ini takdir ak menjadi seorg dr, kau permudahkanlah perjalanan ak.ak redha.hmpr 4 thn ak berhempas pulas belajar medic.penat dan seksanya hanya Allah yg tau. bc facts yg byk gile yg belom tentu igt lame, exam clinical setiap 2 bln, lengkapkan log book dgn procedure2, setiap posting ade seminar,case presentation,bedside presentation, xde cuti,xde study week. tu belum masok kne marah dgn dr2 hospital lain kalo cuti mmg bole lepak hbs2san dan xkesah pn ape yg dorg blaja sem lps.ak pulak cuti2 kene stadi dan sem lps punye jgn brani nk lupa2 kalo x ak harap ak mampu tempuhinya, ak harap ak lulus semua examnya termskla posting medicine ni.i hv to work harder utk semester ni.ak ni dh msk 23 dh thn ni dan ak tak prnh bercinta ke ape sume dan mmg tatau ape2 la psl cinta ni.kt klj tu, ak la org plg krg tape future dan tanggungjwb ak lg pentg dr sume tu.walaupn ak jz go with the flow but i know that i wannabe a doc!!!taknak sia2kan usaha ak yg hmpr 4 thn ni!(walaupn org len dh start nk keje dh).ak anggap suma ni ujian.Allah Maha Mengetahui
Kali ni nk attach lagu fix you by of my all-time fav.lagu yg m'br strength kpd ak dan dh byk kali membantu while i'm having a hard time
Harini satu lg entry yg berkaitan dgn shopping(ye!sy semakin kuat shoppg walaupn duit JPA hmpr kekeringan.terima kasih kpd stress akbt xm hrtu).Semalam, pg times square.naik LRT je pon. jauhla jgk nk jalan smp ke times square tu.dhla pakai wedges ditambah pula dgn muscle cramp disebabkn ada lg lactic acid yg berkumpul2 mungkin(terperanjat agaknye berthn x bersukan.tbe2 cuti seminggu ni joging plak).kira hebatla ak ni kan.
smp times square tu dlm kol 11.30am.janji dgn wany kol takpe cuz wany pn dlm train ke mana time bermulala pengembaraan bershopping sendirian. mula2 pg nicchi, kistchen xde pn yg rs nk bli. pastu jalan2 lg pg area kedai2 yg mrh sikit (bhg2 kdi emo ke hape yg sgt menakutkn itu.ahli klb mrk sj dibnrkn masok)jmpla t-shirt RM8.50.xplan pn nk bli tapela 8 hengget je.blila jugak.hahaha.pastu pas wany smp pusing2la satu times square.sume kedai kt ctu kitorg lawat xcept kdi emo tula. maka konklusinye ak tlh membeli jumpsuit,topi,t-shirt gan baju kemeja kot.hapetah.jumpsuit tu 1st time nk try.
pattern jumpsuit ak lby krg mcm ni la.cuma part ats tu more like a tube and xde butang( i hate buttons).
had so much fun shoppg with my sista.heeee.Lupe lak kitorg mkn kt kenny rogers je cuz times square xbyk choice. Yang bestnye ak punye quarter meal dia kire hrge platter round up je iaitu RM8.90.lps bgtau bdk waiter tu.dia kate "xpela, kire rezeki korgla"(mesti dia yg slh tulis and mls nk ckp kt cashier tu).kali ni klua xbyk camwhoring pn( kan best kalo ade sabki.dia yg jd photographer kitorg salunye).
inilah sista ak, wany ramli.knl dr zaman sekolah dan teman sehati sejiwa utk bershopping dan jugak mengutuk2 org.comel kn picha dia yg bwh tu.mcm kucing.hehehe.sampai sini sajalah post utk kali ni.kali nk attach lagu suga suga by baby bash( sbb ak terasa nk makan candy sgghpn suga2 disini tiada kaitan lansong gan!ak mmg suka ltk lagu yg tiada kena mengena dgn entry)sekian, trima kasih
yeaaaaa..satu lg post utk hrni.terbukti ak mmg lapang semenjak dua menjak ni.
harini nk cerita pasal frowning(starting yg same utk sume xpandai berkata2.hahak). kenapa ak nk crite psl frowning ni eh?sebabnye mmg ramai cakap ak ni suka frowning smp sume lecturer tegur.
Antara cth2 situasi:
Situasi 1: sewaktu posting orthopedik. Dr yohan tgh demo knee examination.then dia tanye ak don't you think d position of the knee is 90 degrees?ak cm tgh tgk btol2 la 90 degrees ke x.then tbe2 dia ckp stop frowning.ak cm WTH!!
Situasi 2:sewaktu posting primary care. dr maza was explaining something during patient education. then suddenly she asked me "d'you disagree with anything?" i answered " no"."then why are you frowning".i was like huh?did i?
Situasi 3: sewaktu posting respiratory.during presentation sleep apnea dato' aziah suddenly asked me."what's your name?"."i was like huh?me?i'm fizah". then she said " i wonder why you always frowning". i dunno what to answer cuz i dun even realize that. then she added "you should smile.frowning make you aged faster"i was like i know!!but how am i supposed to control my own expression.sebaik dato' aziah tu baik dan klaka.miss her
Sebenarnye byk lg situasi tegoran dr lecturer tp dh lupe make things worse,budak2 medic ni mulala bahan2 ak ckp fizah, stop frowning..kejam betolla dak2 ni.ak bukan saje2 buat cuz ak pn x prasan..geram!!
Berdasarkn kajian ak,berikut adalah sbb2 ak frowning (mengikut skema jawapan):
1. ak sdg berfikir tak kire samada fact yg br diberi, mengingat kembali fact2 yg prnh dibaca.sng crita bile nk menggunakan logik akal ak akn start frowning
2. Ak diasagree dgn certain info yg org ak akn syp unless bile org tanye kt ak rs ak ni low self confidence dan ak tatau nk debate gan org kalo xde bukti yg kukuh esp kalo nk lwn gan dak2 yg communication skills dorg mmg mantop ni.dorg ni kdg2 merepek or pusing2 situ je tp nk jgk tegakkan kebenaran.bilela nk jd mcm dorg ni.sshla kalo nk jd doc cmni.hishhh
3.kalo ak dh rs annoyed sgt xkire waktu.yg ni mmg frowning yg disengajakan.ak ni jenis xsuka nk marah tp kalo once org buat ak rs annoyed hbsla ko cthnye bile org x respect org lain, beratur lama gile kt mcd smp org yg dtg lg lmbt dr ak kt garisan seblah dh dpt order(ye!peristiwa kt mcd pandan mewah!org mcd yg lembab!)xpon ak order mknn kt cafe nk amek pkl ak dtg kol 7.10 pn x siap lg mknn padahal time tu ak puasa (itu mmg buat muka tahap cipan punyala smp dia takut lalu memberi diskaun.hahaha)
4.muscle2 kt kening ak ni(corrugator supercilii muscle)suke beno contract tanpa ak sedari.itula cepat je frowning
Facts about frowning
-A frown (also known as a scowl) is a facial expression used to show displeasure, sadness or disapproval.
-The Corrugator supercilii is a small, narrow, pyramidal muscle, placed at the medial end of the eyebrow, beneath the Frontalis and just above Orbicularis oculi.
It arises from the medial end of the superciliary arch; and its fibers pass upward and lateralward, between the palpebral and orbital portions of the Orbicularis oculi, and are inserted into the deep surface of the skin, above the middle of the orbital arch.
The Corrugator draws the eyebrow downward and medialward, producing the vertical wrinkles of the forehead. It is the “frowning” muscle, and may be regarded as the principal muscle in the expression of suffering. It also contracts in order to prevent high sun glare, pulling the eyebrows toward the bridge of the nose, making a roof over the area above the middle corner of the eye and typical forehead furrows.
Oklah.before i end entry kali ni nk attachkn skali lagu yg akn sentiasa buat ak senyum (xmo frowning2 lg.heee) becuz it means a lot to me
eh hello.di pagi yg hening ini, tiba2 terasa mau merepek psl fashion.dr tajok diatas seolah2 membuktikan ak ni kaki shopping tp sebnarnye teman idokla suke shopping sgt (adela sikit sebnanye.xbole tipu).anyway, tajok diatas lebey kpd ign memberitahu i have my own personal taste when it comes to fashion.everybody has their own sense of style and they should stick to it eventhough org mgkn ckp ko ni fashion victim ke blablabla.
i'm a simple person and my sense of style is a mix of everything. Selalu kalau shopping dgn besties mesti smp lenguh2 kaki pn belom tentu dpt jmp ape yg ak nk but once i set my eyes on something i like, i dun even border to look at the price cuz i'll buy them no matter how expensive they are tp tadela sampai beribu2 pula. Luckily, selalu xsmp pn 100 hinggit harganye.
Tadi jugak tibe2 terigt nk bli cleo. Lepas dh paw duit mama sume belila keluaran april with the face of vanessa hudgen on the cover..DUH.bli jgkla bukan bermksd ak minat macik ni.then i was flipping through pages and my eyes stopped at this one specific page with d title 'Bag du jour'.Beg2 dia cantik dan comel ye!!!FYI,i have hugeeeee obsession for bagssss!okla2.nk smbg cerita.memandangkan sekarang ak sgtla lapangkn, ak pn surf kt internet boutique2 yg jual tops, dresses,bags ni eg mooie,baci, goss:ps etc..sume tu kt Telawi Streets(nk pg jugak situ nnt!!)
Ini antara yg comel2 dan cantik
i want that floral soft cotton jumpsuit by Cat Whiskers (sooo pretty!!)
Hat print chiffon dress by mooie
Odd stripe chiffon gold button shirt by GOSS:PS (ye sy mmg sgt mencapub)
mother goose print sleeveless top by GOSS:PS (yeah i noe it's kinda weird with the mother goose printed all over your clothes.but i liked it)
bloth print top +plain long skirt by GOSS:PS
Stripe casual button shirt by GOSS:PS
High waist stylo khaki pants by GOSS:PS
casual buttoned shirt by GOSS:PS
Gmbr2 diatas hanyalah paparan ye dan ak tdk menjual brg2 tersbt.then, semlm i went to Telawi Street nk shoppg la kan ape lg.hehehe(ye!3 hr 3 mlm sy siapkn post ni) tried to find these unluckily sume ni limited skg sume brg2 xksh pn sbb byk brg comel2.heeeee.kt GOSS:PS gan mooie to mmg sgt mnrk ye dress,bj and mcm2 la.byk jgkla butik yg ak sggh.suke shoppg area sini cuz decoration kedai dia mnrk then tadela expensive sgt mcm org ckp sbb kt bangsar la konon.reasonable jgk price dia. i've spent abt 200++ dptla 4 brg. definitely going back to telawi street utk shoppg lg. =)